Nitrex Metal, along with United Process Controls, is pleased to announce that the 4th edition of Nitriding Symposium (NS4) will be held at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV, USA from November 17-18, 2016.
Nitriding Symposium is a triennial event that attracts metallurgists, engineers, plant supervisors, and manufacturing managers who deal with nitriding/nitrocarburizing in their manufacturing environment, and provides a bridge between academics, researchers, and the industry.
We are inviting key academics, providers, and end-users of nitriding and nitrocarburizing from all over the world to present new developments and different technologies that are available or that are being explored, along with the topics below:
• Nitriding/Nitrocarburizing technologies & new advances
• Applications & case studies
• Nitriding stainless steels
• Wear, fatigue and corrosion resistance
• Distortion control
• Equipment developments
• Process controls
• Atmosphere sensors
• Plant integration and automation
• Simulation software
This is your chance to submit your work for presentation at NS4. The call for abstract is now open until August 31, 2016. Participants are invited to submit an abstract online at